Wellness: Physical, Mental and Environmental
In Congress, I will focus on the overall wellness of the residents of our district from a physical, mental and environmental perspective to improve the quality of life, health, and once again, increase the life expectancy for everyone.
Improve Access to Affordable Healthcare
I will work to improve access to affordable healthcare through improved funding of rural and urban hospitals, and support public healthcare centers to ensure greater access to essential healthcare needs to prevent illness and contain more serious medical issues.
I support the expansion of wellness and mental health coverage for working Americans by preventing insurance companies from pricing-out access to mental healthcare, and through tax credits for companies and insurers who provide wellness coverage benefits for employees.
Fentanyl and methamphetamine have wreaked havoc across America in recent years, especially hard hit have been our rural communities where the lives lost and increase in crime is the worst it’s been in decades.
I will support drug and alcohol addiction treatment and expand drug prevention measures across America. I will fully support and fund Homeland Security and the DEA to stop traffickers at our borders, and more importantly, at our air and seaports.
Unlike my opponent who wants to cut Medicare, I will strengthen what is one of the most efficient and appreciated medical wellness tools our country has. I will work to expand important benefits for those over the age of 50 to include basic prescription drug medications while adding hearing and vision coverage for those over 62.
Last year, the Biden Administration negotiated a $35 monthly cap on insulin, saving families up to $3,500 a year. I will continue work to expand upon this achievement to further cut prescription drug costs and support public/private partnerships for supplemental insurance, end surprise billings and phantom deductibles.
I will staunchly protect the Affordable Care Act, which now covers 45 million Americans and expand it to the remaining states that refused to allow their citizens access to affordable healthcare and health insurance to improve wellness and save lives.

Making Positive Change
Whether you donate $1 or $100, your support will help send Clint to Congress where he will put working people first in creating shared solutions for Michigan’s 9th District. Let’s defeat extreme partisanship and restore normalcy to DC! Clint is running for Congress to bring positivity, hope, and practical solutions to Michigan’s 9th and to our country.