Protecting Our Families
America was founded on the right of every American to protect themselves from tyranny and those who might harm them. I believe the 2nd Amendment helps enforce those rights.
I also believe in the rights of families to send their kids to school and to go to work without being shot and killed. I believe there are commonsense ways we work together to do both. Unfortunately, political cynicism and special interests have made building bridges to solve this problem nearly impossible. Meanwhile, every year, roughly 120,000 people are shot in America with more than 42,000 of them dying from their injuries – with roughly half suicides and half homicides.
Gun violence costs the U.S. $229 billion annually – while the costs to our society in lives lost and families destroyed are immeasurable. Much of this can be significantly reduced through commonsense safety measures.
What we know:
1/3 of women killed each year from gun violence were victims of domestic violence
Mass shootings increased tenfold in the past decade with clear prior warning
Most had a history of mental/cognitive issues
Most leaked their plans to others
Most experienced some form of personal trauma days before shooting
Nearly every mass shooter used a high-power, semi-automatic rifle that fires high-caliber, high-velocity bullets that tear through vital organs and shatters bones, leaving victims little chance of survival.
Commonsense Gun Safety Solutions
We need to work across the political aisle to return America to a point where we respect the responsibility of owning firearms. Where guns are for self-protection and sport, and not toys to show off on YouTube videos.
We must work together to:
Repeal the Dickey Amendment that bans the CDC from tracking gun violence
Require federal background checks for all gun show and out-of-state purchases
A federal red-flag law that allows police and courts to remove firearms from those who have a history of violence, mental disorders and domestic violence
Increase the legal age to own a firearm to 21 with exceptions for work or military duty
Limit the ownership of high-power, high-caliber semi-automatic rifles to those who have a justifiable need, such as law enforcement, specific hunting purposes or at sports clubs
Revise the Firearm Owners Protection Act (gun industry immunity) to hold gun manufacturers and dealers responsible for marketing high-power firearms to adolescents and for selling guns to for illegal purposes or through illegal methods, and allow shooting victims to sue gun manufactures/dealers whose negligence causes injury or death
Require federal/state gun safety classes for all registrants of concealed weapons permits that are reviewed/renewed every three years
Support federal and state laws that hold those who do not properly protect their firearms and allow them to be used in criminal acts to be held criminally and civilly responsible

Making Positive Change
Whether you donate $1 or $100, your support will help send Clint to Congress where he will put working people first in creating shared solutions for Michigan’s 9th District. Let’s defeat extreme partisanship and restore normalcy to DC! Clint is running for Congress to bring positivity, hope, and practical solutions to Michigan’s 9th and to our country.